Expanse coin wallet

expanse coin wallet

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Expanse coin wallet 993
Expanse coin wallet

Save your Keystore File (UTC / JSON)


You are about to send a message

Raw Transaction

Signed Transaction

Inbox {{messageService.numberOfMessages(walletService.wallet.getAddressString())}} total {{messageService.numberOfNewMessages(walletService.wallet.getAddressString())}} total

  • No messages found for {{walletService.wallet.getChecksumAddressString()}}
  • last checked: {{messageService.msgCheckTime}}
  • From
    {{messageService.numberOfMessages(message[0].to, message[0].from)}} total {{messageService.numberOfNewMessages(message[0].to, message[0].from)}} new

    {{message[0].text}} {{message[0].time | date}}


  1. {{message.time | date: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'}}


You arrived via a link that has the address, amount, gas or data fields filled in for you. You can change any information before sending. Unlock your wallet to get started.

Broadcast Signed Transaction

Paste a signed transaction and click 'send transaction'

DOWNLOAD Keystore File (UTC / JSON)

Do not lose it! It cannot be recovered if you lose it.

Do not share it! Your funds will be stolen if you use this file on a malicious/phishing site.

Make a backup! Secure it like the millions of dollars it may one day be worth.

I understand. Continue.


Do not lose it! It cannot be recovered if you lose it.

Do not share it! Your funds will be stolen if you use this file on a malicious/phishing site.

Make a backup! Secure it like the millions of dollars it may one day be worth.

Save your Address →

Guides & FAQ

Why Should I?

  • To have a secondary backup.
  • In case you ever forget your password.
  • Cold Storage

Ledger / TREZOR:

Jaxx / Metamask:

Mist / Geth / Parity:

DOWNLOAD Keystore File (UTC / JSON)

Do not lose it! It cannot be recovered if you lose it.

Do not share it! Your funds will be stolen if you use this file on a malicious/phishing site.

Make a backup! Secure it like the millions of dollars it may one day be worth.

I understand. Continue.

Not Downloading a File?

Don't open this file on your computer

  • Use it to unlock your wallet via MyEtherWallet (or Mist, Geth, Parity & other wallet clients.)

Guides & FAQ


Do not lose it! It cannot be recovered if you lose it.

Do not share it! Your funds will be stolen if you use this file on a malicious/phishing site.

Make a backup! Secure it like the millions of dollars it may one day be worth.

Save your Address →

Guides & FAQ

Why Should I?

  • To have a secondary backup.
  • In case you ever forget your password.
  • Cold Storage
Your Information


Amount to send


Amount to receive

{{swapOrder.fromVal / swapOrder.toVal | number: 6}} {{' / '}}

{{swapOrder.toVal / swapOrder.fromVal | number: 6}} {{' / '}}

Your rate

Your Information


Amount to receive

{{(orderResult.expectedSendAmount / orderResult.expectedReceiveAmount) | number: 6}} {{' / '}}

{{(orderResult.expectedReceiveAmount / orderResult.expectedSendAmount) | number: 6}} {{' / '}}

Your rate

Waiting for your {{orderResult.fromCurrency}}...

{{orderResult.fromCurrency}} Received!

Sending your {{orderResult.toCurrency}}

Unlock your wallet to send ETH or Tokens directly from this page.

Issue with your Swap? Contact support

Click here if link doesn't work

Step 1: Generate Information (Online Computer)

Note: This is the FROM address, not the TO address.


Step 2: Generate Transaction (Offline Computer)

21000 is the default gas limit.

This was displayed in Step 1

This was displayed in Step 1.

This is optional.

Generate Signed Transaction

Step 3: Send / Publish Transaction

Paste the signed transaction from Step 2



{{tx.value}} {{unitReadable}}
{{tokenTx.value}} {{unitReadable}}

You are about to send{{tx.value}} {{unitReadable}}{{tokenTx.value}} {{unitReadable}}
to address {{tx.to}}. {{tokenTx.to}}

The {{ajaxReq.type}} node you are sending through is provided by {{ajaxReq.service}}.

Are you sure you want to do this?

Confirm Transaction!

You are about to deploy a contract

Are you sure you want to do this?

Advanced: Add Params

Advanced: Remove Params

Raw Transaction

Signed Transaction

The ENS is only available on the ETH, ETC, and Ropsten (Testnet) chains. You are currently on the {{ajaxReq.type}} chain.
Please use the node switcher in the upper right corner to select "ETH", "ETC", or "Ropsten".

What is the process like?

+- 1. Preparation
  • Decide which account you wish to own the name & ensure you have multiple backups of that account.
  • Decide the maximum amount of {{ajaxReq.type}} you are willing to pay for the name (your Bid Amount). Ensure that account has enough to cover your bid + 0.01 {{ajaxReq.type}} for gas.
+- 2. Start an Auction / Place a Bid
  • Bidding period lasts 3 days (72 hours).
  • You will enter the name, Actual Bid Amount, Bid Mask, which is protected by a Secret Phrase.
  • This places your bid, but this information is kept secret until you reveal it.
+- 3. Reveal your Bid
  • If you do not reveal your bid, you will not be refunded.
  • Reveal Period lasts 2 days (48 hours).
  • You will unlock your account, enter the Bid Amount, and the Secret Phrase.
  • In the event that two parties bid exactly the same amount, the first bid revealed will win.
+- 4. Finalize the Auction
  • Once the auction has ended (after 5 days / 120 hours), the winner needs to finalize the auction in order to claim their new name.
  • The winner will be refunded the difference between their bid and the next-highest bid. If you are the only bidder, you will refunded all but 0.01 {{ajaxReq.type}}.
+- More Information

Help Center: ENS  ·  Debugging a [BAD INSTRUCTION] Reveal

Please try the above before relying on support for reveal issues as we are severely backlogged on support tickets. We're so sorry. :(

Auction Open On


Auction Opens In


Reveal Bids On



Auction Closes On



Auction Closes On



Источник: https://expwallet.net/

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