Remus coin

remus coin

What does Remus National Health Programme look like? Each Smart Healthcare City will serve the needs of up to 1 million patients/year. Remus Coin will pay. Also known as: Remus: primary name: Remus. Details: individual; mythological figure/creature; Roman; Male. Biography: Son of Mars (q.v.) and Rhea Silvia. Deity: Remus. Displaying records 1 to 20 of 86 total results. 1. Select from List, Authority, Date Record Modified, Deity, Denomination.

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Remus Corp.

What’s the Remus Global Healthcare Programme?

The programme allows people in need to have access to medical services so that they can receive the appropriate level of care in a timely and cost efficient manner. To do so, we use a telemedicine application for on line services that we have developed as well as physical treatment centres: mobile clinics for remote locations and smart healthcare cities for the most populated locations. With this program we intend to make accessible primary healthcare to 400 million people over the next 20 years.

Why did you create a global healthcare program?

We consider it unacceptable that 40% of the world’s population doesn’t have the ability to access healthcare. Mortality in many developing countries are linked to treatable diseases , and through our healthcare programme we can offer healthcare users the possibility to see Doctors, Nurses and other medical services professionals when needed. The Vision statement is to make healthcare a basic human right and not a luxury item for the affluent few.

Why do you think your program will function?

Because our business model is a sustainable one, in which we use petroleum profits from sale of petroleum and other minerals in the targeted countries to fund the deployment of our National Healthcare Programme in those countries.

What’s a Smart Healthcare City?

A general hospital with 350 to 400 beds, a trauma center, an emergency response center, an immunization clinic, accommodation for the staff, a mall with retail outlets, a hotel for visiting members of the public. In essence the Smart Healthcare City will serve local communities healthcare needs at every level.

Which are the first countries you are looking to target, to deploy your healthcare program ?

Ghana we hope will be the first country where we deploy our program, closely followed by Kenya. In both countries discussions have begun with relevant government officials with great interest shown in our “Turn Key” National Healthcare Programme. We intend to deploy the programme in more than 30 countries globally over the next 20 years.

How many people do you think can be treated with a single Smart Healthcare City ?

We expect to treat 1 million people per year per Smart Healthcare City. Within 20 years we will reach more than 400 million persons in need of healthcare.

What’s a crypto-currency?

An alternative form of money running without a centralized banking system. Money is all about verifying balances and in and out transactions of a database account. A crypto-currency is a peer-to-peer electronic cash system where every peer has a complete history’s record of all transactions and thus, of the balance of each and every account. No deleting or modification of the exchanges can therefore be made as everyone has access to it.

What’s a crypto-currency wallet?

It’s a digitally secured wallet to store, receive or send digital currencies. It allows its users to generate private keys, in order to store safely their currencies, rather than trusting an online exchange system which can potentially be hacked or go out of business.

What’s the difference between Remus Coin and other crypto-currencies?

The Remus Coin is non speculative and not virtual. It’s the first cryptocurrency asset backed by profits from petroleum product sales. The aim of this coin is to be a tool, linking the petroleum profits of our business to our main goal: creating an innovative program for making healthcare provision sustainable and accessible.

Why did you create a crypto-currency ?

More than 2 billion people in the world, mostly in developing countries, don’t have a bank account. The crypto-currency is also the easiest and safest way to make sure the profits from our petroleum activities reach the healthcare users they are intended to help.

How do healthcare users get their Remus Health Tokens and use them ?

The crypto-currency allows a safe and secure distribution of the profits to healthcare users. We will sell 500 million Remus Coins, and through our 1 for 2 donation programme, we will donate 1,500 million Remus Coins to The Remus Coin Trust. Each Remus Coin  in the Remus Coin Trust is converted into 1000 Remus Health Tokens which will be distributed to healthcare users when they register on the national health register in order to pay for the services provided by the Smart Healthcare Cities.

How do I buy or sell Remus coins ?

Please contact us directly via email with your specific needs and a suitable individual from our marketing and sales team will make contact and explain the simple process of acquiring and selling your Remus Coins.

At what rate will the value of my Remus coin grow in time?

The potential value has been calculated on the asset backed growth forecast. Please, click on the above link to access the Remus Coin asset backed price growth graphic.

Why should I invest in Remus Coins?

For 2 main reasons. Firstly the forecast return on investment is notable compared to more traditional investments, based on the potential growth in value of the coin. Secondly, for humanitarian reasons, because our program will give healthcare access to over 400 million people.

What does asset backed mean?

This means our health coin will have allocated to it cash profits from our petroleum activities in each country and so carry an intrinsic value. This coin is converted into healthcare tokens and donated to healthcare users who cannot afford to pay for medicines, doctors fees and related medical services.

How are you going to pay for such an ambitious program?

We will use the profits made by petroleum and non oil minerals sales to create both physical units of healthcare (mobile clinics and smart healthcare cities) and a virtual platform to access medical services professionals 24/7/365, namely our telemedicine application run from mobile phones.

What’s your organization capability in petroleum expertise ?

Sath Kanagarajah, the CEO of Remus, has over 30 years experience in the Oil Industry principally in refining and marketing. Remus Corporation’s senior minerals management team has over 200 man-years of proven expertise gained through extensive careers within the Major Oil Companies.

What’s your organization capability in healthcare?

Remus Health Inc. USA is the center of expertise for Remus’ Healthcare professionals. Aida Gehring, the CEO of Remus Health has over 30 years expertise in the Healthcare Industry and her team carry a further 50 years expertise. From this base Remus will drive the key activities of On Boarding Healthcare Professionals, the Development of our Telemedicine Application and the Deployment of a world class Research & Development facility examining preventive medicine using artificial intelligence technology.

What’s the telemedicine application?

The online app will provide health advice using mobile technology for those who are unable to easily reach a medical service complex or a medical service professional. Its cost will be of 2US$/month/ person and can be paid for with Remus Coins.

How long will it take to build a Smart Healthcare City?

Using innovative and environmentally friendly technology, a complete facility, full fitted out, can be delivered within 12 months. Much work will need to be done initially to ensure the relevant infrastructure needs, such as roads and utilities are in place to facilitate the construction programme.


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